100 Bullets of Knowledge : Bullet #1 — The 48 Laws of Power: Law #4 — Always Say Less Than Necessary.

Zaid Muhtaseb
2 min readJan 26, 2022
  • I must admit, I have always struggled and was challenged by this law. Since my childhood, I never knew which topics are fair-play and which ones aren’t — I distinctively recall sitting at my middle school’s doctor office at the age of 10 and telling the doctor about all the personal family matters that I definitely wasn’t supposed to share outside the parameters of the ‘family’. Now that I am looking back at all the times I questioned myself on whether I’m saying too much or too little, I can almost guarantee that saying too little would’ve saved me a ton of headaches and drama. Also, as I think of every person I’ve ever admired — They always seemed to embody the belief that ‘Less is More’ — especially in their communication.

The reminder today is that our words can help us gain power or lose it instantly — as quoted in the book:

“The Human tongue is a beast that few can master. It strains constantly to break out of its cage, and if it is not tamed, it will run wild and cause you grief. Power cannot accrue to those who squander their treasure of words.

The ‘100 Bullets of Knowledge’ series is my attempt to enforce the concept of ‘Habit Stacking’ which I first came to learn about from the book Atomic Habits. In simple terms, the author explains that by combining two habits together, we have a higher probability of actually performing them. I have been promising myself to get back to writing on here more and to read more books on daily basis — So, here I am, publicly committing to read an adequate amount that would fuel my ability to write 1 bullet point (one or many sentences) to share 1 piece of knowledge everyday. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!



Zaid Muhtaseb

Product Management Expert | Helping startups launch and scale successfully 🚀 | Formerly @Apple, Lockheed Martin, & other Fortune 500s | Serial Entrepreneur